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SELMA Resource Centre

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1 – Enrolments

This page explains what functionalities the “Enrolments” at the navigation menu can have. Functionalities will all be dependent on your subscription plan. To find out about subscriptions check out our Plans. This includes managing enrolments, and enrolling students, invoices, orders and public trusts. Jump to a section:

1 – Students

This page explains what functionalities the “Students” tab at the top of the navigation menu can have. Functionalities will all be dependent on your subscription plan. To find out about subscriptions check out our Plans. This includes managing students, creating new student, merging student, uploading photos, and enrolment form. Table of contents: Student Screen The …

3 – Enrol Student(s)

To enrol student(s), there are two navigation you can follow. The quickest way is to navigate to Enrolments -> Enrol Student(s). The other way is to navigate to Enrolments -> Manage Enrolments -> click the “Enrol Student” Before you begin enrolling a student, please ensure that you have already added them as a student and …

4 – Edit Enrolment

To edit a student’s enrolment, navigate to Enrolments -> Manage Enrolments -> select the Enrol ID of the desired student You will be taken to a similar screen below. This is where you can edit enrolment information In the enrolment screen, you can change Start and End dates, select the return type (e.g. if you …

2 – Enrolment Index Overview

Jump ahead: Enrolment Index Navigate to Enrolments -> Manage Enrolments Below is what an enrolment index looks like. Functionality of the boxed area are explained below: 1 – Search Enrolment: This will allow you to filter specific information to find specific information faster. Note: the blue ‘Search’ button has to be pressed for the filter …

5 – Unit Standards

Unit standards specify what a candidate for assessment needs to know, do, and understand. In the SELMA system, unit standards shows up as a particular type of curriculum component that you can create and interact with in the system. You can access Unit Standards by clicking on ‘Unit Standards’ under the curriculum tab: To create …

6 – Clone Programmes and Components

On this page: SELMA users are able to clone existing programmes and components as required. This will help administrators interacting with the SELMA system quickly set up new programmes and associated components at a moment’s notice using an already created programme/component as the basis, saving administrators valuable time from not having to construct these manually …

4 – Fees

On this page: Fee Lines Fee lines are where you will enter information related to fees for a particular programme of study. Users will notice that ‘Fee Lines’ appears also on the course component level as well – This is the same idea, just applied to courses. The choice of whether to use the Fee …

3 – Component

Components are all the objects you want to attach to a programme later. A typical example is an approved course that you offer. It can also be an assessment or unit standard. Table of contents: Create Components To create a component, click on ‘Curriculum’ in the main menu and then ‘Add New Component’ You will …

2 – Programmes

At a high level, programmes are qualifications your organisation offers to your students/clients to complete with you.These qualifications can be awarded as certificates, diplomas, bachelor’s programmes, etc. Table of contents: Create Programmes The programmes you input and create in SELMA don’t necessarily have to be ones that are approved for delivery by NZQA. However, it …