SELMA has introduced a new feature that allows users to link an account manager to a student. This feature is accessible both from the Student Index grid and within individual student records.
Assigning an Account Manager from the Student Index:
In the Student Index grid, a new column titled “Assigned Manager” displays the current manager. If no manager has been assigned, a button appears allowing you to assign one:

This dropdown menu lets you either select yourself as the manager or choose another existing user in SELMA:
Editing Account Manager in Student Profile:
When editing a student’s profile, a pencil icon appears next to the “Assigned Manager” field. Clicking this icon allows you to either change the current manager or assign a new one.

Advanced Search and Filtering:
The advanced search feature now includes an option to filter students by their assigned manager. This makes it easy to view all students linked to a specific user:

Quick Access to Managed Students:
A new button labelled “All My Students” has been added to the Student Index. This quick filter displays all students assigned to the currently logged-in user, facilitating easy access.

Automatic Assignment of Account Manager:
Whenever a new student is created manually, the user creating the student is automatically assigned as the account manager.
Viewing Assigned Students Under User Profile:
A new tab titled “Assigned Students” is available under the user profile section. This tab lists all students managed by the selected user, providing a consolidated view of assigned responsibilities.
Navigating to this section:

After clicking on a user ID you should be taken into the users profile page. Click on the middle tab called ‘Assigned Students’