3 – Component

Components are all the objects you want to attach to a programme later. A typical example is an approved course that you offer. It can also be an assessment or unit standard.

Table of contents:

Create Components

To create a component, click on ‘Curriculum’ in the main menu and then ‘Add New Component’

You will be presented with the setup form for a component:

Start with filling in component details like code and title. If it is an approved course that goes into the SDR, use your approval document or STEO to match the information exactly.

You may create any component you like whether it is reported through and SDR or not. Control what you are creating by selecting the correct Component Type and Return Type (NZ Compliance Section)

In the ‘NZ Compliance’ section, add further details if your course is approved and needs this information. You will find most of the information in STEO, if your component is not relevant for an SDR you can leave this section blank.

When saving a component, SELMA will automatically highlight any compulsory fields that were not entered or any values that do not match the entry criteria:

Edit Components

To edit an existing component, simply find the curriculum item in the “Manage Curriculum” grid and select it by clicking on the link:

In the example below, we searched for ‘Digital’, Which narrowed down the list to all items containing the word ‘Digital’. In this case, there are four matching records. Select the one you would like to modify by clicking on the highlighted link:

Once the component is selected, you will be redirected back to the Component Form:

To edit, click the ‘Edit Component’ button. Once you have updated all the necessary information, click the ‘Update Component’ button to finish your editing.
You may be able to delete the record from here, however, if it has ben used in any intake or program, the ‘Delete’ option will not be functional.

Component Marking Function

You are able to mark multiple components as being successful at the same time.

To do this, go to the dashboard, click on ‘Marking’ and choose ‘Marking’

From here, choose the student and the intake you want to mark from the provided dropdown menus. If applicable, select one of the customizable options, and then click ‘Search’ on the right:

This will display all the components available for the selected student:

Lastly, select the components you would like to mark, then click ‘Mark Successful’:

This will mark all selected components as successful, completing the component and entering a completion date.

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