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SELMA Resource Centre

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SELMA Users – Setup and Privileges

On this page: Users  Navigate to Settings -> Users SELMA has three base types of users with the following privileges: User  Privileges  TEACHER  The teacher can mark components and attendance of students that are enrolled into an intake the teacher is assigned to. A teacher can also create notes against a student he/she is assigned …

Adding Students to SELMA

On this page: Use SELMA’s Student Module to create and manage students’ records. Student Screen The profile contained in the student screen contains batches of information relating to the student and their relationship with you, the education provider. Please note: In this screenshot, there is a “Stakeholders” tab. This is only available to those customers …


At a high level, SELMA manages two different curriculum items – programmes and components. A programme can be: A component can be a: The curriculum is maintained and setup by anyone who is assigned a “Registrar” Role in SELMA. Courses and programmes can be reported through the SDR. You can set this up when you …

5 – Working with Grids

Grids are used often within SELMA and provides a functional, practical way of displaying large batches of information. Below is an example of the Curriculum Grid (Curriculum > Manage Curriculum) and a breakdown of its navigational capabilities – Search “Search” is the fastest way to find specific records and will produce results that match your …

3 – SELMA Layout

SELMA’s layout is streamlined and easy to navigate. The tabs at the top of the homepage have been set-up to resemble the order in which you will interact with SELMA. They have also been structured to ensure that each section has to be set-up correctly in order for the next to become accessible/functional – On …

4 – SELMA Dashboards & Quick Access

Main Dashboard This is SELMA’s main (standard) dashboard which displays key performance indicators specific to your education provider. This dashboard can be personalised. In the May 2023 release, the SELMA dashboard was updated to notify users if Students have uploaded assignments for marking via the Student Portal and Admissions received via the Online Admission Forms …


Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool This part of SELMA aims at simplifying the handling of the literacy and numeracy assessment requirements for tertiary colleges. LNAAT is a configurable option in the config table and if disabled no LNAAT tabs will show in the UI. Students need to sit an initial test at the …

Unit Standards

Unit standards specify what a candidate for assessment needs to know, do, and understand. In the SELMA system, unit standards shows up as a particular type of curriculum component that you can create and interact with in the system. You can access Unit Standards by clicking on “Unit Standards” under the Curriculum tab: To create …