The student portal now allows you to create personalised cards with your chosen colours, logo, description, and links. Here’s how you can customise your cards:
How to Use
- Accessing Customisation Settings
- Navigate to Portal Settings → Customise Cards.
- Managing Cards
- On this screen, you’ll see both Active and Inactive cards, along with action options on the left-hand column
- Active Cards: These are the cards currently displayed on the student portal. You can add as many cards as you like, but only a maximum of four cards will be displayed in a row.Inactive Cards: These are cards that are not currently visible on the student portal. You can activate them at any time.
- Editing Cards
- In the Edit Cards screen, you’ll find a new action on the left side column: Sort Cards. This feature allows you to arrange the active cards in your desired order. After sorting, click Save Order to apply the changes.
- In Edit Cards mode, clicking on a card will take you to the editing page instead of opening the link.
- Editing Portal Cards
- On the Edit Portal Card page, you can:
- Upload a logo, define colours, and change text.
- Deactivate the card.
- Delete the card.
- Any changes you make will be automatically reflected in the left side column for you to review the output.
- On the Edit Portal Card page, you can: