2 – Manage Timetable

To navigate go to Attendance – > Manage Timetable

On this page:

Manage Timetable

Choose whether you to manage a timetable for an intake or a class and then select the relevant week. This will populate a view of the timetable to look at.

From here you can edit or delete a session if it is not required in a specific week. You can do this by locating the row item you would like to edit or delete from the list that is showing and clicking either the green pen and paper icon (edit) OR the red rubbish bin icon (delete) sitting under the “Action” column in the resulting grid that you can see.

You can also use the “Search in table” search grid to locate a specific session row item that you are looking for.

On the top right there is a button called ‘Timetable Actions’ with four options to make additional changes

  • AdHoc Week(s) – this allows you to add an additional session line item into a particular selected week.
  • AdHoc Session – this opens up the relevant Attendance Report for your convenience.
  • Delete Week – this allows you to delete the week that has been displayed to you on screen.
  • Delete Whole Timetable – you can delete the entire timetable.

AdHoc Week(s) Option

The AdHoc Week(s) function essentially allows the user to use a particular template week as a model to apply to subsequent available weeks in the intake timetable.

Select whether you want to copy from an existing timetable week or from an attendance template.

In the “Select Week” drop-down field, this is where you select the first intake week from which you want to apply this template to. In other words, the first week that you want to look exactly like the one in the “Select Intake Week as Template” or “Select an Attendance Template” field. This second field will only allow you to select weeks that are available to have a template applied to.

If you have selected an appropriate week, a third drop-down field will appear: “Select Week To”. Here you will select the last week in which you want to apply this template to. In other words, the last week that you want to look like the one in “Select Intake Week as Template” or “Select an Attendance Template” field. Leave the field blank if you only want to add to a single week.

Once you have selected a relevant available date range, click “Save” to apply the timetable template to the AdHoc Weeks selected.

Manage Templates

Navigate to the Manage Templates tab.

To manage a specific template, select the desired template. You can choose to make edits by clicking the “Rename Template” and/or “Add Session” buttons along the top right. If you want to create a new template, click “Create New Template”, also sitting along the top right.

Create New Template

When creating a template, you will be prompted to name your template

Once the name has been set, you will be able to start adding relevant session to it. Fill in all compulsory fields marked with (*) and select campus, room, or staff if desired.

The below template shows a week of a Marine Science Programme with specific named sessions that take place in pre-defined classrooms and are taught by specific teachers:

Add Session

To add a session to an existing template, select the desired template and click “Add Session”. The same pop-up box will appear as the one in creating new template.

Remove Session

To remove a session, find the session row item and click the red rubbish bin icon, that sits under the “Action” column in the template grid.

Edit Session

To edit a session, find the session row item and click the green pen and paper icon, that sits under the “Action” column in the template grid.

Please note that the start and end times of the sessions cannot overlap on the same day. If it does so, SELMA will generate an error.

Create all the sessions you want for all the days of the week. The template is not yet applied to any specific date. It is only a typical timetable of a specific day of the week. The next section will explain how to apply it to dates.

Select Template to Apply

Choose a template you have created in the previous step – choose more than one if the students timetable changes throughout their studies (e.g. different weekly timetables for different semesters etc.). You can do this by manually selecting each timetable template – these will populate, one row after the next, on the screen as a list.

If you have selected available options, you will get a confirmation note from SELMA informing you that you have successfully applied a template to the intake.

Select whether you want to add an attendance template to an intake or a class. Then select an active intake and the template that you want to apply to this intake. Click “Create Timetable” and a timetable will be created for this intake/class.

Edit Template Date Range

To set the date range for the template, go to the green pen and paper icon under the “Action” column, and make edits here.

Note that you will have to cover the whole intake time with templates, they cannot overlap and not be outside the intake period. SELMA will warn you and stop you from going ahead if these criterias are not met.

NOTE: Please double check that everything is set up correctly here before moving on to the next step of the timetable creation process. Once you decide to go ahead and create the timetable, this triggers an irreversible process in SELMA. Once a timetable template (or templates) have been applied to an Intake/Class, this Intake will no longer be available as an option to have a timetable applied to. To rectify this you will have to delete the relevant timetable and templates.

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