4 – Fees

On this page:

Fee Lines

Fee lines are where you will enter information related to fees for a particular programme of study. Users will notice that ‘Fee Lines’ appears also on the course component level as well – This is the same idea, just applied to courses.

The choice of whether to use the Fee Lines section in programme or course level is up to each provider and depends on each provider’s fee charging model.

Users will also notice that there are Fee Information fields under the ‘NZ Compliance’ tab as well. It is important to note a distinction here:
These Fee Fields under the NZ Compliance tab are exclusively for SDR reporting purposes only, and do not correspond to invoicing information.

Fee Line information in programmes is what drives invoicing process:

Fee Delays

In some instances of SELMA, when editing or creating a Fee Line, users will notice a field called ‘Fee Delay’.

This is to accommodate programmes that take longer than 1 year of study to complete. It allows the education provider to set up the fees for the entire duration of the programme in the same sitting.

This is achieved by adding separate Fee Lines for each year of the programme simultaneously. However, for the fees that will apply in a subsequent year of study, the user should input a specific number of days into the ‘Fee Delay’ field. This signals to SELMA how many days to wait (or ‘delay’) before charging this fee for the programme.

If the programme does not take more than a year to complete, users can simply input ‘0’ into the Fee Delay field. This is necessary because the field is compulsory, and SELMA will generate an error if it’s left unfilled.

Fee Delay Illustration

To illustrate the operation of Fee Delay from a conceptual point of view:

If a programme takes 2 years of study to complete and tuition fees are $8,000 for each year, then the user will be able to add two fee lines at once in the following manner:

  • Fee Line #1: $8,000 tuition fee. Fee Delay: ‘0’
  • Fee Line #2: $8,000 tuition fee. Fee Delay: ‘365’

The first Fee Line is the tuition fee for year 1, therefore Fee Delay is set to ‘0’ allowing SELMA to charge it immediately.

The second Fee Line is the tuition fee for year 2, therefore Fee Delay is set to ‘365’, prompting SELMA to wait 365 days before charging this second Fee Line.

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