2 – Programmes

At a high level, programmes are qualifications your organisation offers to your students/clients to complete with you.
These qualifications can be awarded as certificates, diplomas, bachelor’s programmes, etc.

Table of contents:

Create Programmes

The programmes you input and create in SELMA don’t necessarily have to be ones that are approved for delivery by NZQA. However, it pays to be sure about this in every case to ensure that you are meeting your obligations as an education provider, so be sure to double check this with your management team.

In any case, the functionality in SELMA allows for Programmes that do go through NZQA and those that do not (SDR or Non-SDR)

To create a Programme, click on ‘Curriculum’ in the main menu and then ‘New Programme’:

You will be Forwarded to the Programme Setup Form. Start to fill in all information, refer to your STEO if your programme is a NZ Approved Qualification:

One field to be particularly aware of is the ‘Progress Measured In’ field. As this is what drives the Enrolment Measures for enrolments into the Programme. For more information on this, please see the Enrolments section.

To make use of powerful data calculations in SELMA, enter the ‘Programme Length’ and ‘Programme Length Unit’ in the Programme Section.

On the ‘NZ Compliance’ tab of the programme setup, enter at least all the required fields which are marked with an asterisk (*). This is NZ Compliance relevant information and particularly important if you create a NZQA Approved programme in SELMA:

Take care when entering the ‘Qualification Code’, this is the code your programme is approved for by NZQA, along with being recorded in STEO in your Qualifications section.

The start date is associated with the date approval was granted by NZQA for the programme to be delivered. This has nothing to do with any learner or intake start dates.

In order to go through a programme setup, it is best to use your programme approval document or have your STEO open in the browser to enter the correct values

Map Components

Once the basic information is entered, and the programme is created, create your programme hierarchy in the Components tab:

Click on ‘Edit Programme’, this will add the option to map components:

Then, click on “Map Component” to display the component mapping screen:

To display all available components, click on ‘Load All’. This action will present all the available components on the left:

These are all the active components in SELMA. In the ‘Selected Components’ section, you can create the content for your programme.

All selected components become part of your programme, simply drag and drop the components you want in your programme across the selected section.

The order from top to bottom will define the order of delivery of your components. The hierarchy of the components is indicated by the degree of indentation in this listing. If a component is indented to the right, it is a child of the component directly above it:

You can modify the hierarchy of the components by clicking on the individual component you wish to change and moving it left or right, depending on where you want it to be positioned. This action will determine the hierarchy of the components. In the example above ‘Demonstrate Knowledge of workplace communication requirements’ is a child component of ‘Digital Media Arts’

Occasionally, some internet browsers may fail to register changes to the programme hierarchy while editing this section. If this occurs, there’s a straightforward solution: Click on each of the programme components, shift it left and right, and then return it to its original position.

After doing this, you should be able to save the changes by clicking ‘Save Mapping’. if the problem persists, please contact us at support@selma.co.nz

Edit programmes

To edit an existing programme, simply find the curriculum item in the ‘Manage Curriculum’ grid and select it by clicking on the link:

In the example below, we searched for ‘Programme’ Which narrowed down the list to all available Programmes. In the case above, there are two matching records. Select the one you would like to modify by clicking on the hyperlink:

Once the programme is selected, you will be redirected back to the programme form:

To edit, click the ‘Edit Programme’ button. Once you have updated all the necessary information, click the ‘Update Programme’ button to finish your editing.

You may be able to delete the record from here, however, if it has been used in any intake or program, the ‘Delete’ option will not be functional.

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