SELMA Users – Setup and Privileges

On this page:


Navigate to Settings -> Users

SELMA has three base types of users with the following privileges:




The teacher can mark components and attendance of students that are enrolled into an intake the teacher is assigned to. A teacher can also create notes against a student he/she is assigned to and depending on the system configuration, can send text messages to students.


The administrator has full access to the software except for curriculum setup, submission of compliance reports, management of users and creation of Intakes. 


The registrar has full access to the software. 

Manage and add new users from the “Users” grid. 

Add User

You can add a user by clicking on the “Add User” button and fill in at least the name, email and password. Depending on your system configuration, the newly created user will get an invite to join SELMA via email. The password you set could therefore be only temporary. The passwords minimum requirements is 8 characters in length.

Act as User

Use the incognito button next to a user to browse the system like another users sees it. You can make changes in the system whilst in incognito mode, but the changes will be safed as processed incognito by you. You can also use the PDF button if the user is a “Teacher” to see their personal teacher report.

Manage User

When adding or editing a user, you can manage the access rights by switching the individual privileges on or off. If a user has more than one role, the highest privileges will be used.

Graphical user interface, application, email

Description automatically generated

You can mark a user as inactive if they e.g. leave your business. You cannot delete users as the history of their actions remains saved in SELMA for future reference.


When a user account is locked, any registrar can unlock it. Only registrars can access and maintain SELMA user records.