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SELMA Resource Centre

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14.05.02 New Programme Version

New programme versions are required when the credit value, the nominal duration or the target qualification number, strand or version changes. In registering a new version of a complex programme, the sub-programmes must have the same programme number as previous versions. The sub-programme versions may differ. The only field that can be changed on a …

14.05.08 Update an ITR Enrolment

Once the enrolment is confirmed by the ITR. The ITR Status will show “ITR Active” and when in Edit mode, the green Enrolment Actions button will have multiple more functions highlighted in red: The functions are used as below: Enrolments can be updated through the update simple and complex programme functions in ITR. The only …

14.05.07 Enrol a Student

In SELMA navigate to Enrolments -> Enrol Student(s) On the enrolment screen, select the intake you would like to enrol learners into. If the intake funding is set to NZA & IT, an extra drop down will show you for you to set the fund for the specific student you are enrolling (Please select Enrolment …

14.05.06 Create an ITR Intake

Before you can enrol a student, an intake for the ITR programme needs to be created and “Opened”. There is nothing different from an ITR intake compared to other intakes in SELMA. However, you cannot use an ITR intake for non ITR students. You may need to set the funding type on the intake to …

14.05.05 Change Employer

Change Employer In the event of the student changing employment during their studies, the employer on the student record can simply be changed. Make sure you also select a contact for the new employer. To do so navigate to Students -> Manage Students -> Select desired student and under the “Student Details” tab you can …

14.05.04 Validate Students for ITR

Validate students for ITR You can either create a new student or open an existing student and set the “Validate data for” option to ITR. With this validation on, SELMA will check if all required data on the student is recorded before saving the record. Below screenshot shows the error message with detailed instructions of …

14.05.03 Create Employer

Create Employer and Contacts Before creating students and validating them for the ITR, the organization (employer) and the contact within the organization should be setup. For this, create an organization as usual under Settings -> Organisations and make sure that the Location Authority and the Industry Code are set for the organisation: After that, make …

14.05.01 Create ITR Programmes

In SELMA, the ITR works only for intakes and enrolments that are for an ITR programme. When a new programme is created, and the return type is set to “ITR”, every enrolment into it will automatically be an ITR enrolment. You can use SELMA simultaneously for programmes that are not reported through the ITR (e.g. …

8 – Public Trust

Public Trust Some providers in New Zealand must protect the students fees in a trust for the duration of the students studies and will receive a drip feed of the funds until the enrolment is complete. A popular provider for this trust service is Public Trust. If you use Public Trust as a fee protect …

6 – Status Wizard

Status Wizard The status wizard is an aid to change the enrolment status or complete enrolments and process the enrolment and underlying components correctly and in bulk. The wizard is found under enrolment actions: The status wizard shows all available statuses an enrolment can be changed to based on the current status. A detailed definition …