14.04 NZQA Reporting

NZQA Reporting 

Navigate to Reporting -> “NZQA Unit Batch” or “NZQA RoA Import” or “NZQA Qual Check”

In SELMA, you can import your accredited unit standards to setup your curriculum and report completed unit standards of your learners to NZQA

You can send Qual Check requests to NZQA for your students to get NZQA to award a qualification if all the unit standards of a qualification are achieved. 

You can also import the Record of Achievement of your students into SELMA and get SELMA to cross credit already achieved unit standards in your learners enrolments. 

Below video explains all NZQA processes in detail:

Relevant chapters in the video are:

00:10 – Curriculum setup

05:09 – Unit standards in intake components

06:03 – Record of Achievement (RoA)

09:50 – Unit batch reporting

16:26 – Qualification reporting to NZQA

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