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14.04.01 Updated NZQA Qual Check

You can select the qual check type before generating the batch and conduct a high-level. The ‘Status Check Only’ will not mark the enrolments as submitted to NZQA. Select the relevant students/programme codes via the filter. If a student has an award that is ready to be reported, it will be tagged as an award. …

14.05.04 Validate Students for ITR

Validate students for ITR You can either create a new student or open an existing student and set the “Validate data for” option to ITR. With this validation on, SELMA will check if all required data on the student is recorded before saving the record. Below screenshot shows the error message with detailed instructions of …

14.05.11 Withdrawing TA / Enrolment

Withdraw Training Agreement When the learner ceases training with the employer and does not intend to continue training at any time in the future, the training agreement should be withdrawn. Withdrawing the training agreement will cause all ACTIVE, GRACE, HOLD or PENDING programme enrolments to be withdrawn and the training agreement status set to FINISHED. …

14.05.08 Update an ITR Enrolment

Once the enrolment is confirmed by the ITR. The ITR Status will show “ITR Active” and when in Edit mode, the green Enrolment Actions button will have multiple more functions highlighted in red: The functions are used as below: Enrolments can be updated through the update simple and complex programme functions in ITR. The only …