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14.04 NZQA Reporting

NZQA Reporting  Navigate to Reporting -> “NZQA Unit Batch” or “NZQA RoA Import” or “NZQA Qual Check” In SELMA, you can import your accredited unit standards to setup your curriculum and report completed unit standards of your learners to NZQA You can send Qual Check requests to NZQA for your students to get NZQA to …

14.05.02 New Programme Version

New programme versions are required when the credit value, the nominal duration or the target qualification number, strand or version changes. In registering a new version of a complex programme, the sub-programmes must have the same programme number as previous versions. The sub-programme versions may differ. The only field that can be changed on a …

14.05.11 Withdrawing TA / Enrolment

Withdraw Training Agreement When the learner ceases training with the employer and does not intend to continue training at any time in the future, the training agreement should be withdrawn. Withdrawing the training agreement will cause all ACTIVE, GRACE, HOLD or PENDING programme enrolments to be withdrawn and the training agreement status set to FINISHED. …

14.05.14 ITR Messages / Reports

Manage Messages in the ITR Reporting Screen To navigate to the screen below, go to Reporting -> ITR. This is the central screen that shows all the messages going to the ITR and their responses. It is an extremely helpful screen to see what is awaiting a response, has validation errors or was processed successfully: …